Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Deep Fried Turkey
The experience turned out very well. After watching a couple of Food Network shows, and reading some articles -- my only concern was safety. It seems a disturbing number of people hurt themselves when they deep fry turkey with propane. I took all the required per-cautions, and it went off without a hitch. In fact, it went so well that I've decided that all major holiday meals this year will be centered around deep fried turkey. Yum!
Wii at Home
Looks like I have a Wii at home to play with... can't wait to get home...
Waiting for Wii
I've been trying to get a Wii since launch. I didn't really think about getting one, until the day before. On launch day, we tried several places, with no luck. Then, on Black Friday, I went to two Targets and even a Wal-Mart at 5:30 in the freakin morning. Again, no luck. In fact, there were no units even being sold on Friday -- which seems weird. On Sunday and Monday, I felt extremely sick, so I didn't even try to get one, or think about it.
About 30 minutes ago, I read that Target had plenty in stock. So I called my wife, and asked her to check it out (since I'm at work). She called me back in like 15 minutes saying "I'm on my way".
So now, I'm stuck at work, waiting to find out if, in fact I have a Wii. I feel like a little kid. I can't wait for the phone call... I hope I get one, and if I do, I don't know how I'm going to stay waiting until I get home...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
9 and 1

I think I heard someone last night on the news say that the Bears can win the division this week, if they win, and the Vikings and Packers lose. It could happen, maybe. The Pack are at Seattle, and after that embarrassing lose to SF, I think the Seahawks are going to be pretty tough. It seems less likely that the Cardinals will find a way to be the Vikings in the Dome. But - I suppose it could happen.
Even if the Bears don't win the division this week - they will win it soon. Green Bay and Minnesota are both 6 games behind at this point - there will be no recovery!
Animator vs. Animation 2
The sequel is just as good as the original. I love it!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
How to Follow a Turducken...
Last year, it was the Turducken, which, was good. Although several family members did admit it didn't live up to they expectations.
How could/should I follow up a Turducken?
With a deep-fried turkey. I've had them before, but I've never attempted to make one myself. I have to say, I'm excited (and a bit worried).
So far, I haven't decided on rubs, injections, etc - but I will finalize my choice before the weekend (in time for shopping).
8 and 1

Of course, it was the Bears game that I was most interested in watching. I was filled with some dread, wondering if the team that lost to the Dolphins or the team that beat the Seahawks would show up. In the beginning of the game, it looked as if the wrong team showed up. Eli looked pretty good, Rex looked like crap. But then, as the first quarter wore down, things changed. The Giants weren't dominating, and the Bears started to look a little better. At the half, the Bears looked like they were coming back.
The second half was all Bears. And I think they looked pretty good. Hester completely redeemed himself with the crazy 108 yard return off a missed field goal. How crazy is it that two years in a row, the Bears have done that? Last year it was Vasher, this year Hester - is this to be a yearly event? ;-)
With one down, and two to go in the crazy road trip from hell, I'm feeling pretty good. Except I'm not sure who the Jets beating the Pats says more about. How good the Jets can be, or that the Pats are really beatable?
If we beat the Jets on Sunday, I think we stand a really good chance of beating the Pats as well. Not because the Jets have, but because the momentum will be on their side. Of course if something crazy happens, say Green Bay beating the Pats, then the Bears might be in trouble. The Pats loosing four in a row? Can't see that happening.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Error Messages Done Right
Japanese Windows Error Messages, via some MSDN blog... Real? Who knows... still fun.
- The Web site you seek cannot be located, but countless more exist.
- Chaos reigns within. Reflect, repent, and reboot. Order shall return.
- Program aborting: Close all that you have worked on. You ask far too much.
- Windows NT crashed. I am the Blue Screen of Death. No one hears your screams.
- Yesterday it worked. Today it is not working. Windows is like that.
- Your file was so big. It might be very useful. But now it is gone.
- Stay the patient course. Of little worth is your ire. The network is down.
- A crash reduces your expensive computer to a simple stone.
- Three things are certain: Death, taxes and lost data. Guess which has occurred?
- You step in the stream, but the water has moved on. This page is not here.
- Out of memory. We wish to hold the whole sky, But we never will.
- Having been erased, The document you're seeking must now be retyped.
- Serious error. All shortcuts have disappeared.
- Screen. Mind. Both are blank.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
If you need any extra reasons to vote, here is a lovely list of 109 reasons, why we need to get rid of the 109th Congress.
I voted this morning, and I'm happy to say that my polling place didn't force me to use the electronic voting machine. Good old paper ballot, with an optical scan. Thank you Cook County!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Diebold Has Some Nerve...
But whats better yet, they haven't seen the documentary, and in the letter they sent to HBO, they are talking about a completely different movie, made by different people. Way to go Diebold, for proving you guys can't get anything right...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
2 Years of Blogging
7 and 0

As to the game Sunday? I think the Dolphins are pretty screwed! They maybe coming off the bye, but Joey Harrington has never been very good aginist the Bears (oh wait, he hasn't ever been very good at all...). I'm pretty sure we are going to see another very one sided game.
Back from MAX

First MAX. The conference was one of the better ones I've been too. I took a full day training session on Flex with ColdFusion on Monday, which was really worth the extra money and time. Before that training session, I really didn't feel like I had a grasp on how to use CF as a back end for Flex. Sure I could cut and paste example code, play with it, and make it sort of work, but I didn't have a good understanding of what I was doing -- now I do (at least with the basics). That knowledge was reinforced by the Flex sessions that I attended. I really feel I'm ready to dive, head first, in to a complex Flex project.
Other things I learned? Well, I think Adobe is on track with the Apollo product. I didn't get to see as much of it as I wanted to, but from what I did see, Apollo is going to be a great solution for providing a single application across the OS/browser divide. The fact that it will render Flash (and Flex of course), HTML, PDF, CSS, etc in a single easy to use environment should really allow it to take off. That being said, I'm concerned about making the product a success. Macromedia tried with Central. Sun with Java something-or-other. And, there have been others as well, who've tried to create a platform for bringing web applications from the browser to the desktop. Is this the right time? Right product? Only time will tell, but I think Adobe is on the right path, and truly "gets it".
Of course, an equally large part of my week was Vegas. What a city, it many ways, it shows the best and the worst parts of what America is. The best part of the experience was playing Black Jack. I had never played in a casino before. I stepped off the plane expecting to play, and lose, I choose an amount that I could accept losing and when with it. In the end, on my last day, I ended up with a profit of $5! This including the money I spent on food, drinks, etc. I consider that to be a huge win!
Seeing the many casinos was pretty cool -- of course the casino floor in all of them ended up being the same. Different ways to get you to spend money. That being said, I was really impressed with the expense, the use of costly materials, and the overall quality of the finished products. Some of the places I visited were truly beautiful. The thing I didn't really expect, or realize was the size of Vegas. When you are on the strip, the different locations don't seem that far away. However, try walking from Mirage to Paris, and you soon realize how far away they really are. Last, but not least, was the food. While the food at MAX itself was fairly boring, the after parties, and the special event made up for it. I got to eat Kobe beef for the first time, at two different places, it was damn good at Tao, but it was incredible at Little Buddha. And I did end up eating in my third Emeril resturant, Emeril's N.O. Fish House -- it wasn't as good as the other two I've eaten at (Tchoup Chop andNola), but it was still one of the best food experiences I've had.
Last, by not least, I met some really nice people at MAX. That, perhaps, is the best part of the conference. Each year, I make more friends, new contacts, and expand the list of people I hope to see at the next one.
Friday, October 20, 2006

Of course, since it's in Vegas, I'm planning on doing some serious R & R as well. I'm hoping to hit several of the roller coasters while I'm there, grab some good food from places like Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill, and of course gamble a bit.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Election Time...
Only time will tell, but the numbers look promising...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
6 and 0

Up until last night, I had assumed that the Raiders were the worst team in the NFL, after last night, I'm not so sure. Sunday the Raiders and Cardinals play, that should be funny, or maybe just sad...
The good news for me, is I get to watch all the games Sunday from the Las Vegas Hilton Football Central. Looks like quite the place, I can't wait...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Killer Pinball Pictures...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Organics at Target
Monday, October 02, 2006
4 and 0 baby!

After all of that fun - I was really looking forward to laying in bed on Sunday to watch some football! Most of the games went as I hoped (Before tonight's game I'm 10 and 3 for the week). But, of course, it was the Bears game that I was looking forward to the most. Going in to the game, there was a lot of talk about weather or not the Bears were real. Could they really beat a good team? After all, being 3 and 0 against the Lions, Packers, and Vikings isn't saying much. Well, I hope now the doubters stop talking. What a game. Wow. To say that the Bears won is an understatement. The Seahawks were completely dominated! In all ways. On offense, defense, and special teams. What a great game. Hopefully, people will now stop being so hard on Rex Grossman, the kids got game. Looking forward, I think the Bears are going to end up being 6 and 0, and maybe even 7 and 0... but I dare not think that far ahead.
Go Bears!! :-)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Bears, 3-0 how sweet it is! It looks like we may finally have a real quarterback! And how about Desmond Clark! Of course, I can't forget our top 5 defense, the boys are getting things done, as
But, the game that really felt the best for me was the Falcons at the Saints. I picked the Saints to win, cause I didn't have the heart to pick againist them. How sweet it was to see them come out, with such passion and fire, and beat the pants off Alanta.
I think someone from ESPN said it best last night... The Saints are Americas second team.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Designed to Sell
We just finished shooting on Saturday. What a crazy wild, fun, tiring experience! The crew were great, the hours were long (but not horrible), and overall the experience was surreal. Imagine having a cast of 10+ strangers in your house for days, and stranger yet, having the whole experience filmed for a national TV show.
I wasn't sure how well the changes would work, when you watch the show on TV everything looks pretty good; but there is no way of knowing how the house looked in real life. Now that I've been on the show, and I have seen the work first hand, I have to say I'm impressed! The rooms they redid were the kitchen, our backroom, and the front yard. All three of them look about 1000% times better. Perhaps the single biggest surprise for me was how big of effect can be gained by little design changes.
With the winter around the corner, and the housing market cooling off as well, we may not really try to sell until the spring -- but being on the show has really helped us get the house ready. I can't thank everyone who worked on our house enough. What a cool way to make money!
For those who are interested about when the show will air -- I have no idea yet. Also, I will post some before and after pictures to Flickr soon.
UPDATE: Pictures are now on-line.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Confidential... "do not distribute"
If I was working in the IT deptartment of one of these places, I'd be hiding my head in shame.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Windows Live Writer
This post is a test of the Live Writer software, from Microsoft. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with it. I was curious to see if it would pull my Blogger information, and sure enough, it did with no problems. It pulled my stylesheet in, allowing me to create a post with the full look and feel, which is quite nice. I haven't played with most of the other features, but overall I have to say this is a pretty solid product. Only time will tell, however, if I go for this when I want to post, rather than just going to the the site.
UPATE: One thing that is missing, inline spell checking - where are my little red squiggly lines under misspelled words? Microsoft should really have including that feature - but I guess Live Writer is still a beta...
Friday, August 11, 2006
Bill Gates - My Hero
Then of course there is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has done undeniable good in the various fights it has taken on. Now, according to the Toronto Star, the foundation is donating $500 Million Dollars to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. That is an unimaginable amount of money that hopefully will really make a difference in combating these diseases.
For becoming the wealthiest man in the world, and then using that money for good - Bill Gates is a hero to me.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Perfect Storm?
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Flex 2
In the end, this is exactly what I would expect from Macromedia, it's nice to see that Adobe hasn't changed the culture, but in fact, seems to have enhanced it! Great job guys!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
CF Debugging Printing
Thanks to RedBalloon for pointing out a very easy fix - by modifying your print styles, or just adding one for the .cfDebug class, you can prevent this from being printed at all.
Good stuff - it is now a part of my "standard" CSS file.
1 Year Ago...
Watching my little girl come in to the world, and watching her grow day by day over the last year has been incredible. And while she may not know it is her birthday today, we celebrate anyway. We celebrate the joy she has brought to us and the joy we will continue to have as we watch her grow from 1 to 2.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Coulter Gets Dropped from Newspaper
So I am happy to report that a major news paper has dropped her, and another is considering it.
News Hounds has the story - hurray!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Another Great Flickr Tool
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Firework Madness
What I experienced last night, however, was unreal. Starting at about 8:00pm (a good hour and a half before it was dark) people in the neighborhood started setting off small bottle rockets and firecrackers. It was at a pretty impressive rate, but I really didn't think much of it. When the sun finally went down, the sky lit up, for well over 2 hours. I couldn't believe the number and variety bottle rockets, firecrackers, etc going off. It was a non-stop barrage of light and noise. Normally I'm a pretty big fan of these little shows, but after 30 minutes or so, it just became silly. It may have gone much later than 11:00pm, I don't know I gave up and went to sleep.
I have no idea what made yesterday so special, or different, but if every year is going to be like this, I'll never have to go to a "real" fireworks show again.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Mr. Rogers, We Miss You...
Thanks to Andrea, for sharing this with me. Oh yeah and if you don't, support your local Public Broadcasting Network(s)!
AT&T Pissing Me Off...
With lawsuits already on the table, and more likely they are just attempting to cover they butts in the future. But instead of doing something that makes sense, say stopping the practice of giving away information about its customers, it is instead going the very scary route of make the customers data their own.
I am a AT&T customer (at the time I thought SBC would be a lesser evil than ComCast), but if this new policy chances, I won't be for long. Wake up AT&T, your customers want a basic privacy protection, the kind that your competitors in the cable world give.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Meow Mix House
The web site is kind of lame - and seems like it was created by a web designer noobie, but again, I'm fond of the idea, and will watch at least one episode. If nothing else, it is an interesting "think outside of the box" idea for a new show.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Animator vs. Animation

Monday, June 05, 2006
Colbert Does it Again!
My favorite bit:
But thankfully Congress is acting and soon English will be the official language of America. Because if we surrender the national anthem to Spansih, the next thing you know, they'll be translating the Bible. God wrote it in English for a reason! So it could be taught in our public schools.Seriously, this man should be President! :-)
Friday, June 02, 2006
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.Now, who does that fit perfectly? Oh yeah - the President...
- Mark Twain
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Google Notebook
Water Bridge
When I saw this on Digg, I was pretty sure it was Photoshop madness, but according to Snopes, it's real. Crazy.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Oblivion Domino Day
Stupid Plane Tricks
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Welcome to the World of Big Brother...
The press has a right, a duty, and the honor of keeping our government honest. And while they do not always do that job well - it is a practice that is needed for our country to survive.
We have a system in place for people to be whistle-blowers - but I do not believe this system really covers the needs of a government that commits serious crimes. When a government is guilty - those crimes should, need, to see the light of day - and the press is the body that should do it.
I really hope the press, both in America and the rest of the free world take the Bush Administration to task on this. There is a reason that the first Amendment to the Constitution provides for Freedom of Speech - any American who doesn't understand or believe in need for it, really needs to reconsider why we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Colbert for President
If you want to thank him, a site has been setup for just that purpose (35,000+ people have done so already!).
Very Scary Numbers
According to CNN, a new study has found some very scary numbers, in regards to how many 18 to 24 year old Americans don't know where places in the news are. But perhaps the most frightening number is this:
Fewer than three in 10 think it important to know the locations of countries in the news and just 14 percent believe speaking another language is a necessary skill.How can we expect to compete in the world when this is true?
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Rachael Ray in Time
Oh yeah, and the blurb about her is written by Mario Batali.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Fixed Headers / Scrollable Table
$100 Rebate Checks
What a joke - hopefully Americans won't buy in to this. I got an idea, why don't we use this money (where is it coming from anyway, more deficit spending?) to invest in technologies that get us off the oil, instead of just putting a few bucks in the average persons pocket?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Being to Cheap or Too Stupid...
Bethesda has started to release optional content to expand/enhance the game. While I'm nowhere near needing new content yet, I really like that I can get new missions, items, etc. for $2 a shot. To me, this is a great way for the developers to expand on playability and still make good money (which they deserve for making such a high quality game). What drives me nuts are all of the complete idiots filling forums all over the web calling this behavior unfair, evil, etc.
Give me a break! First of, why shouldn't you pay for someone else's hard work? Second, it's optional, if you don't want to pay for it, the game is still worthwhile. And, come on, really, what else can you get for $2 that provides at least a couple of hours of entertainment?
I for one, am happy to pay a couple of bucks to expand my playing experience, knowing that it helps to make the product more successful, which in turn, will make the bean-counters more likely to approve the creation of the next great RPG!
Fox News Commentator Joins White House
I can't say I know a lot about Tony Snow - but I know enough to know I don't like him. His appointment, to me, sends a very clear message that Bush cares nothing anyone outside of his far right group of uber conservatives. It also shows me how flawed the administration really is. When your poll numbers are down - and most Americans are in favor of change - you don't appoint someone to a major post who is exactly like you. You reach out, and attempt to find someone who can talk to both sides of an issue. What is the chance that anyone on the left is going to listen to Snow without assuming he is lying, I wonder?
Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. The Bush Administration hasn't done much with it's time in office except make one bone-headed mistake after another. Maybe this is a good thing - maybe more people will wake-up and realize that it is time to end the right-wing strangle hold on American politics.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Fun Quotes
Weather forcast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.- George Carlin
My Karma ran over your dogma.- Unknown
Friday, April 21, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Surprise Coffee Find
Maybe, just maybe, food companies are starting to figure out this whole be good to the earth and those who farm it idea. Or maybe, the companies are purely doing it to appear that way. No matter what the cause of this, I'm just happy to see a product made organically by people who are getting paid a fair price showing up in the average grocery store.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I guess it makes sense. Food Network is working hard to expand its market and from what the Slashfood article says, Mario seems to really be a NASCAR fan, but still... How weird.
Next thing you know there will be a Wolfgang Puck football tail-gating book, or a Rachel Ray golf food in 30 minutes.
Quote of the Day
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
- Robert Wilensky
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Nerd Level
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Cadbury Bunny
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
All I can say is WOOHOO!! Now, if there is any real justice in this country, he will end up in jail, where he belongs...
Ann Coulter
It always bugs me to see how often she gets away with her lies and deceit, but finally, perhaps that is changing. According to the Palm Beach Post, she is in trouble with the Elections supervisor for lying about where she lived. From the article:
In his official incident report released last week, poll worker Jim Whited wrote that Coulter tried to vote in the Feb. 7 town council election at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, the right place for a Seabreeze resident. Coulter left in a hurry when, Whited said, he asked her to correct the record. Later she cast her ballot at the St. Edward's precinct, where real Indian Road residents go.Why would she lie about this? What was her goal? Really the answers to these questions matter less than the fact that she has once again been caught in the act. She isn't trust worthy and now she may have committed a third-degree felony. Why would anybody listen to or trust her?
Monday, April 03, 2006
Independent World Television
"No corporate dollars. No government funding. No commercials. No strings. You have the right to know."My real concern is not that they make it - but who listens to the truth they speak. If you care about the real news and the truth, it is out there, but too many people are content to get news from complete misleading sources, like say Fox News. How do you change their minds, is it possible to bring them back? I hope so...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Truly "Nature" Chicken
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Tweaking Oblivion
Video Game Collection
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Neat Trick...
Thankfully a co-worker stopped me and suggested that I use formulas in Excel. "Huh?" I said to him. After giving me a look that said very clearly said "how could you not know this," he explained that if the data in the spreadsheet is correctly separated in to cell, you can use a little formula magic to write all of your SQL statements for you. For example if you have your primary key in A and data to update in M your formula might look like this:
Then copy the formula and paste way to create an update statement pre row, which can be copied in to your db tool of choice or a CF file. Now I may, in fact, be the last developer to learn about this, but I had to share, in case there were other lost souls like me out there. ;-)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
More Big Time Cuteness...
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patricks Day
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Inside Trader Joe's
Also, I think it is very interesting that NYC is just now getting a TJs. I guess they aren't always the trend setter! I wonder if 3 Buck-Chuck is going to go over well there and will it still only be $3?
So Wal-Mart Doesn't Completely Suck...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Yet More Proof that Wal--Mart Sucks
Wal-Mart Enlists Bloggers in P.R. Campaign from the New York Times
Friday, March 03, 2006
Extend Firefox Winners announced
Congrats on making such a slick extension!
Elder Scrolls 4
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
No More SharePoint!
Yes, animals need more protection, but we don't need PETA. When they do things like this, it just makes people dislike them, which in the end could make it harder for other, more sane, animal rights groups to raise money and awareness. So PETA, stop with the BS tactics you're just pissing people off...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
So I'm picking the Steelers, by 14!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Microsoft SyncToy
Thankfully I was able to rebuild most of what I destroyed - but ouch, many hours lost because I didn't remember to back it up. D'OH!
Now that I've learned my lesson, I'm using a great free program called SyncToy from Microsoft. It allows a very simple sync or backup between two folders, on different devices, or not. Hopefully, I won't repeat this mistake...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
End of the Season
Seriously though, what the hell happened to the defense last night!?! What was going on with Tillman? Where were my Bears? The ones that have no offense and killer defense. As bummed as I was, as stunned as I was, I did see things to be happy about. Finally the Bears showed some real offensive abilities. Rex threw really well (although too often), Bernian was hot until he got hurt, and Joes was solid like always. Even with the loss, it was still a great season, and it looks to be a great one next year.
As any good Chicago sports fan will tell you, next year will be the year...