Sunday, October 31, 2004


Finally the Bears have their second win of the season! Woohoo!

I have to say, it was really cool watching this game. Not just because we won, but I never expected to be sitting in a hotel bar in New Orleans watching a Bears game and have so many Bears fans around me. Every time the bears did something good, more and more voices were added to the cheering... very neat.

Happy Halloween


Friday, October 29, 2004

Proof that Bush is a Cheat

From the moment I heard about Bush having something under his jacket during the debate, I thought while it was possible, no one is that stupid. I mean come on, he has access to the FBI, CIA and God only knows what other secret agencies, he wouldn't use something that could be easily caught!

Guess I was wrong...
NASA photo analyst: Bush wore a device during debate

Redskins Pick President

According to articles all over the web (CNN / SI, Snopes, and many more that I'm too lazy to post) if the Washington Redskins win the last game before the election, then the political party in control of the White House retains control; if they lose, the opposing party win. Normally I don't buy into this kind of thing, but it's been true for the past 15 elections!

That being said...

Go Packers!

In case you were wondering, Vegas is putting odds on Green Bay!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Happy Birthday Kim!

It's my friend Kims birthday today, and like a total dork, I forgot, but hopefully, she will forgive me.


MAX 2004

I can't wait, just 2 days until I leave for New Orleans for Macromedia MAX 2004. For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about... MAX is the yearly user conference for Macromedia products (ColdFusion, Flash, Fireworks, Flex, etc.). This will be my third time and I expect it will be the best one yet.

One full week of sessions chalked full of learning goodness during the daytime and Bourbon Street at night. I will be reporting my thoughts from New Orleans throughout the week.

Red Sox Win

I was raised in Chicago, on the Northside, which means I'm a Cubs fan. Truth be told, I don't even like baseball that much, but because da Cubbies are so cursed, I always find myself hopeful that each new season will bring the Cubs a chance to finally win a World Series (amazing how America always seems to win the World Series, isn't it?).

Of course, once again, this year, the Cubs didn't do it - but, the Boston Red Sox did! As with the Cubs, the Red Sox are also a "cursed" team. So as the World Series got closer and closer, I found myself paying attention to it - and even watched a bit of it.

Heres hoping that the Cubs can finally break their curse, now that the Red Sox have broken free of theirs. As any good Chicago sports fan will tell you, "Next year, is the Cubs year!"

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The First Post...

So I didn't really mean to set this Blog up.

I was reading a post on another Blog (freakSauce) about the hundreds of tons of missing explosives in Iraq (I know I put them somwhere) and I wanted to comment, next thing you know I've setup an account and well, here we go...