Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Inside Trader Joe's

Most people who know me, know that I love Trader Joe's. The NY Times is running an inside look at how the company operates. Its pretty cool to get some inside dirt on such a secretive operation - of course, it really isn't that inside, since Trader Joe's invited them...

Also, I think it is very interesting that NYC is just now getting a TJs. I guess they aren't always the trend setter! I wonder if 3 Buck-Chuck is going to go over well there and will it still only be $3?


Andrea said...

I can't believe all of our three buck chuck is sad. Either that stuff is really good or Mark and I drink too much. Or both.

Demian said...

Since you can sell booze in grocery stores in MN (sooo stupid!), I wonder what TJs is going to do. Open a TJs Wine Hut next store?