Thursday, June 22, 2006

AT&T Pissing Me Off...

As if giving the government records of calls made by Americans wasn't bad enough, now AT&T is about to change it's privacy policy in some very alarming ways. What pisses me off about this most, is why AT&T is doing it.

With lawsuits already on the table, and more likely they are just attempting to cover they butts in the future. But instead of doing something that makes sense, say stopping the practice of giving away information about its customers, it is instead going the very scary route of make the customers data their own.

I am a AT&T customer (at the time I thought SBC would be a lesser evil than ComCast), but if this new policy chances, I won't be for long. Wake up AT&T, your customers want a basic privacy protection, the kind that your competitors in the cable world give.

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